Slap down lawsuits designed to silence public voices

Update: The Ontario Government passed the Protection of Public Participation Act in 2015

Lawsuits that silence citizens who wish to participate in public decisionmaking processes have no place in a democracy. Quebec has already banned such “gag” suits. Ontario has said it will follow suit and an expert panel has already given the government advice on how to proceed. Citizens need protection from powerful interests that want to simply silence criticism. Ontario needs to pass an anti-SLAPP (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation) law now!

  • Provide protection to communications and conduct in the public interest so that the public can speak freely and fairly.
  • Establish an expedited procedure to allow the SLAPP defendant to seek to have the case dismissed by the court.
  • Award full indemnity costs to the SLAPP defendant if the case is dismissed.

Additional resources:

Information contacts:

Ramani Nadarajah
Canadian Environmental Law Association
416-960-2284 ext. 217
Pierre Sadik
Manager of Legislative Affairs
613-562-5800 x3397