We are documenting the new Ontario Government’s progress in addressing the key environmental challenges facing Ontario, including addressing the growing impacts of climate change, stemming the biodiversity crisis, making communities healthier, and enhancing environmental rights (see our action agenda for how Ontario can address these critical issues in a meaningful way).
- Independent Environmental Commissioner’s office eliminated and duties added to those of the Auditor General. (Sign the petition calling for a return to an independent ECO).
- Responsibility for endangered species, parks and protected areas and Conservation Authorities shifted from the resource-development focused Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry to the Ministry of the Environment
- Ontario’s Cap & Trade program for greenhouse gas emissions cancelled with provincial government stating it will not put a price on polluting emissions.
- Cap & Trade funded programs cancelled, including GreenOn incentives for homeowners; energy efficiency programs for schools. hospitals and municipalities; electric vehicle incentives; and municipal cycling infrastructure program.
- 758 renewable energy projects cancelled, including solar projects on schools, hospitals and arenas and on-farm biogas projects that safely dispose of manure and create valuable fertilizer for farmers.
- Cancelled 50 million trees program. The federal government has now promised to restore the program using funds from its carbon pricing program.
- Slashed funding for Conservation Authority flood control programs
- Reduced density targets in Growth Plan to facilitate more low-density development
- Made numerous changes to the Planning Act to make it easier for developers to build low-density subdivisions on greenfield sites and to reduce development benefits for communities
- Significantly weakened the Endangered Species Act, including undermining the scientific listing process, suspending mandatory habitat protection for newly listed species and allowing developers and others to pay to cause harm to species at risk.